Thursday, May 26, 2016

160116-17 First Overnight

January 16~17, 2016

We decided to have our little overnight + fanchant practice + Uchiha Fan making. It was our first overnight and it's amazing. We chanted our bias' name and fanchant like there's no tomorrow. that day we received our official lightsticks that's why we immediately bough batteries and tried them out.  Ate ai bought pizza and chicken for us to eat for dinner. We also asked her about her age and we were should because she looks much much muuuuuuuuuuch younger than it. We watched EXO vids as well as the EXO's The lost planet in Japan. All I can remember was we really had a good time that day. We also had a good laugh when we were making our fans. Kei was supposed to come with us but she have to go somewhere with family so only the 5 of us stayed. We talked about the thing's we'll do on the concert days, we also discussed where to check in. When we got sleepy, we decided to make our bed already. I was between ember and ate ai, I'm too hyper to sleep so I keep on babbling things, when I thought that they're all sleeping I heard ember responding to me xD. I fell asleep ataroun 6:30-7:00am then I suddenly heard someone knocking on the door and I really thought that it was sehun, I dunno if I was dreaming or what but the first thing I uttered whenI woke up was "Kumakatok si sehun" (Sehun's knocking) hahahaha. 

After fixing up and washing, we went to the mall to grab some bingsu. There, we had more spazz time. noon came and it's time to go home. we bid goodbye and went home.



160110 - EXO Mascots

January 10, 2016 

This is our second time meeting, and our first meeting for 2016! January 10, 2016, when EXO Mascots were brought to the Philippines as part of the The EXO luXion tour in Manila. SM Clark was the frist stop that's why we were so blessed and excited. These mascots are the official mascots from SM and they've already met the real EXO. We decided to go early for good seats. When I've arrived at the venue, the mall was not opened yer and the first person I saw was ember, she was lining up too. after a few moments, Ate ai arrived. the three of us went to the entrance where the event was near. we walked, walked walked and finally at the entrance where the Mall fountain is located. 

When the entrance was opened, we were the first one at the venue. no chairs yet so we entered and asked if chairs will be distributed later then the staff said he doesn't know. So we decided to wait and stay at the event's entrance. We stood there then noticed that some girls are lining behind us, maybe they thought that we were lining up but we were actually just standing near the entrance table. after a few minutes ate cza and trixy and Mrs. Kwon (ate kar) arrived, they told us that baby ken ken (one of our friend) will come too so we need to save her a seat. When the chairs were arranged, they started giving us passes. one person must buy 10 eco bags so all of us paid for it. we had a nice seat. we were seated on the very front. 

The event started with the viewing of different Music Videos of EXO. Loud cheers were heard everytime a member (even post members) were flashed on the screen. It became wild in a positive way. After a few minutes, the host went up the stage to pick people for games that will be played. Me and my friends participated in it and it was lots of fun. I really enjoyed every little bit of it. screaming, laughing and cheering endlessly for one another. One of the game was "Pass the drawing", 5 persons were needed first person will see a word (related to exo) and must draw it and pass it to the next member then last member must guess what it is. Me, ate ai and trixy were chosen for it but only me and trixy were on the same group. Funny thing is for the game players (of all the games) they're asked to bring/show some EXO related things (ballers; fans; photocard; etc.) which will be asked by the host randomly, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to join because I didn't bring any but luckily she asked for a white sock, any white sock and thank God I was wearing one! The one I bought when we played bowling xD The game started and we actually won!! It was a blessed day indeed, Me and Trixy got lower box seats each! I never stopped thanking God for it. ♥

When the event ended, we hang out and ate then planned for the concert (hotels; merch and more!). After that, we went home all satisfied and elated ♥♥♥

When the mascots arrived ♥

While waiting for it to start
During the event

Ate cza and ember participating in games
Lining up for the photo op
photo with minseok's mascot ♥

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

151226 - First Meeting

December 26, 2015

This day marks the day #TeamWPB was born. It was actually the ticketing day for The EXO luXion in Manila Day 2! We went to SM City Clark early to buy our tickets. Originally, Me, ate cza and Trixy were supposed to buy our ticket at SM Pampanga but we had a last minute change of location or maybe that's just destiny simply leading us to our friends. When we arrived at the cinema where we're supposed to buy our tickets, we met up with ate mao and ate juno, we saw them already buying tickets and when they saw us they gave us line numbers which was already reserved for us. The ticketing was quite busy but we managed to finish early. After getting our tickets we noticed some new faces. We were introduced and greeted each other. We already had  planned that after buying our tickets we'll go bowling so we went to the alley and got a waiting number.Only me, ate cza, trixy and the two new face: Ate Ai and Ember. were left for bowling While waiting we decided to get some milk tea first so we headed to gongcha and bought our drinks. We we're sppazzing comfortably with one another and it made us forgot about bowling. 

When we went back to the alley, ate ai told us that she needs to go somewhere (ps. we already know the real reason why but I won't spill it here =P). Only four of us were left, Me, trixy, ate cza and ember. Me and ate cza we're not wearing socks at that time so we had to buy new socks for us to bowl. When we arrived we started our game. I ended up getting only 26points (yes I suck at bowling xD). After bowling, we've decided to stroll and checked different stores inside the mall. then afterwards we went home. It was a long yet very fun day for us. We went home with lots of memories not realizing that that day was the beginning of our wonderful friendship.






Hello Everyone! Mrs. Kim Minseok here, I've decided to write this blog which is about me and my friend's adventures and bond. If you don't know us personally, this blog might bore you but if you insist, go on, read more ;) 

We call our group "Team Walang Parehong Bias or TeamWPB" which means, the 6 of us have different favorites/bias in EXO, oh yeah I forgot to mention that our friendship started because of EXO, a korean boy group! There are six (6) of us in our group, Mrs. Oh, Mrs. Park, Mrs. Do, Mrs. Byun, Mrs. Kim (Minseok) and another Mrs.Kim (JongIn)

Mrs. Oh Se Hun (Ate Ai)
She's the eldest in our group, she's very kind and very brave! Imagine traveling alone in a country you barely know! yes she did that! Just to watch EXO's concert, she traveled to Macau for EXO Luxion.She's very generous that's why she serves as the mother of the group. ♥ Her memorable line is "suplada ako" (I'm a snob), but she's saying it in a joking manner. she's very reserved and sometimes doesn't want to be with new people but she's very fun to be with! I always miss her when she's not present sometimes. ><

Mrs. Park Chan Yeol (Ate Cza)

The second eldest and the great traveler among us! She's also very loyal, she sticks to one fandom at a time. Her house is our unofficial hangout place, we watch, spazz and go crazy whenever we visit her house. She's a friend that'll never forget to get you "Pasalubongs", may it be useful things or merch that has our bias/bias group on it. She's very calm but scary when she's angry that's why we never do things that'll make her angry. I met her for the first time at school and back then, never in my life had I imagined her to be one of my close friend but I'm glad she became one. ♥

Mrs. Do Kyung Soo (Kei)
 The kind of person I didn't imagine I'll be close to be with. I've known her even before WPB was born. She's very thoughtful, and very giving. She's also pervy at times especially when she talks about her OTPs (One True Pairing) and some of the YAOI Manga she reads. She's also a snap addict, often than not we chat using snapchat. Ohh didn't I tell you that she's a future architect? :) She's very talented, one time she gave us handmade portraits of our bias as Birthday Gifts ♥ She's a friend that's very loyal and caring but be cautious 'cause she's the type of friend that'll cheer you up then bombrade you with insults (friendly) in an instant.

Mrs. Byun Baek Hyun (Trix)
She's my closest friend in the group, why?, because I've known her ever since we were in 3rd Grade! :) She's my first KPOP friend! I've been with her to many different events. Sometimes we travel far just to attend an event.She's very funny, she'll laugh if she wants . I'm also of the same age as her maybe that's one reason why I'm close to her. Sometimes we share random stories, rants and other things. She's always in charge of our "Group Order" whenever we buy things online. She's the "Manager-nim" of the group. She's also generous and kind. She travels the most in us whenever we meet. Sometimes she tends to become shy in front of new people. No words can actually describe her  but in short she's great to be with.♥

Mrs. Kim Min Seok (Ste)
Yours Truly, I don't know how to describe myself. I'm pretty plain. I laugh when I see/remember something funny. My great ship is XIUHAN. I'm also the official downloader of the group, I download things/vids that we'll watch when we meet. I think that's it. ♥

Mrs. Kim Jong In (Ember)
The Maknae  (youngest) of the group. She's very hardworking and very patient. She likes baking, she bakes on special occasions. She's the youngest but I don't think that she has the purest mind in us all. =P She likes reading YAOI fics and Mangas. Big fan of YAOI. She's also very thoughtful and warmhearted. She's the cry baby of the group, she cries easily especially when it concerns her bias or people she loves. ♥ She's also a strong willed girl. She's timid and shy with people she doesn't like. She's also a fighter despite being a cry baby, she tends to challenge herself. One time when Jongin had a web drama, she told us that we must watch it first before her and we must tell her which parts to skip but she ended up watching it first before us. xD

Left to Right: Ember; Ate Cza; Kei; Ste; Ate Ai; Trixy
