Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Hello Everyone! Mrs. Kim Minseok here, I've decided to write this blog which is about me and my friend's adventures and bond. If you don't know us personally, this blog might bore you but if you insist, go on, read more ;) 

We call our group "Team Walang Parehong Bias or TeamWPB" which means, the 6 of us have different favorites/bias in EXO, oh yeah I forgot to mention that our friendship started because of EXO, a korean boy group! There are six (6) of us in our group, Mrs. Oh, Mrs. Park, Mrs. Do, Mrs. Byun, Mrs. Kim (Minseok) and another Mrs.Kim (JongIn)

Mrs. Oh Se Hun (Ate Ai)
She's the eldest in our group, she's very kind and very brave! Imagine traveling alone in a country you barely know! yes she did that! Just to watch EXO's concert, she traveled to Macau for EXO Luxion.She's very generous that's why she serves as the mother of the group. ♥ Her memorable line is "suplada ako" (I'm a snob), but she's saying it in a joking manner. she's very reserved and sometimes doesn't want to be with new people but she's very fun to be with! I always miss her when she's not present sometimes. ><

Mrs. Park Chan Yeol (Ate Cza)

The second eldest and the great traveler among us! She's also very loyal, she sticks to one fandom at a time. Her house is our unofficial hangout place, we watch, spazz and go crazy whenever we visit her house. She's a friend that'll never forget to get you "Pasalubongs", may it be useful things or merch that has our bias/bias group on it. She's very calm but scary when she's angry that's why we never do things that'll make her angry. I met her for the first time at school and back then, never in my life had I imagined her to be one of my close friend but I'm glad she became one. ♥

Mrs. Do Kyung Soo (Kei)
 The kind of person I didn't imagine I'll be close to be with. I've known her even before WPB was born. She's very thoughtful, and very giving. She's also pervy at times especially when she talks about her OTPs (One True Pairing) and some of the YAOI Manga she reads. She's also a snap addict, often than not we chat using snapchat. Ohh didn't I tell you that she's a future architect? :) She's very talented, one time she gave us handmade portraits of our bias as Birthday Gifts ♥ She's a friend that's very loyal and caring but be cautious 'cause she's the type of friend that'll cheer you up then bombrade you with insults (friendly) in an instant.

Mrs. Byun Baek Hyun (Trix)
She's my closest friend in the group, why?, because I've known her ever since we were in 3rd Grade! :) She's my first KPOP friend! I've been with her to many different events. Sometimes we travel far just to attend an event.She's very funny, she'll laugh if she wants . I'm also of the same age as her maybe that's one reason why I'm close to her. Sometimes we share random stories, rants and other things. She's always in charge of our "Group Order" whenever we buy things online. She's the "Manager-nim" of the group. She's also generous and kind. She travels the most in us whenever we meet. Sometimes she tends to become shy in front of new people. No words can actually describe her  but in short she's great to be with.♥

Mrs. Kim Min Seok (Ste)
Yours Truly, I don't know how to describe myself. I'm pretty plain. I laugh when I see/remember something funny. My great ship is XIUHAN. I'm also the official downloader of the group, I download things/vids that we'll watch when we meet. I think that's it. ♥

Mrs. Kim Jong In (Ember)
The Maknae  (youngest) of the group. She's very hardworking and very patient. She likes baking, she bakes on special occasions. She's the youngest but I don't think that she has the purest mind in us all. =P She likes reading YAOI fics and Mangas. Big fan of YAOI. She's also very thoughtful and warmhearted. She's the cry baby of the group, she cries easily especially when it concerns her bias or people she loves. ♥ She's also a strong willed girl. She's timid and shy with people she doesn't like. She's also a fighter despite being a cry baby, she tends to challenge herself. One time when Jongin had a web drama, she told us that we must watch it first before her and we must tell her which parts to skip but she ended up watching it first before us. xD

Left to Right: Ember; Ate Cza; Kei; Ste; Ate Ai; Trixy


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